RAD 2024 Conference

27 Feb 2024 10:44 AM | Matthew (Administrator)

RAD 2024 Conference

17 – 21 June 2024, Herceg Novi, Montenegro

Submit your abstract by the deadline of March 31, 2024

I am very glad to invite you to participate in 12th RAD Conference which will be held at Hungest Hotel Sun Resort, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, in the period from June 17 to June 21, 2024 (www.rad2024.rad-conference.org). Please note that the conference sessions will last from Monday, June 17, in the morning, to Friday, June 21, 2024, in the afternoon, and plan to come not later than Sunday and to leave not earlier than Saturday.


Please look at the conference topics, and we are absolutely sure that you will find some interesting topics that match your scientific interests: www.rad2024.rad-conference.org/topics. You can participate as an active participant (author of abstracts), as a passive participant (no abstract) or as a virtual offline participant.


The current list of plenary lectures can be seen on the conference website:  www.rad2024.rad-conference.org/plenary_lectures


We are very pleased to announce that the upcoming 12th RAD conference will feature High Intensity Laser-Plasma Particle Sources and Applications session(s) that highlights the latest advancements in laser-driven radiation production, encompassing a wide range of particle beams (electrons, ions, and neutrons). You can select this special session when you enter your abstract.


We are also very pleased to announce that the upcoming RAD 2024 Conference will feature the special session(s) entitled Po and Radioactive Pb in the Environment: 210Po and 210Pb - in terrestrial, marine environments and groundwater; as tracers in the atmosphere; as chronometers in marine, cryospheric and lacustrine environments; in NORM industries; dose assessments, radiochemistry, quality assurance, kinetics and mobility; new techniques in their measurements.


In addition, we are very pleased to announce a Mini Symposium on Nanoradiopharmaceuticals in Theranostics at the upcoming 12th RAD conference. This symposium will feature all aspects relating to the science, technology, design and development of Nanoradiopharmaceuticals as they relate to the development of diagnostic, therapeutic and theranostic agents. Presentations from corporations can highlight advances in nanoradiopharmaceuticals in theranostics from a pipeline of new products point of view.


At RAD 2023 Conference, for the first time, we invited the young researchers (PhD holders younger than 35 years old) and students (undergraduate, master and PhD students) to participate. We are very happy that a large number responded to our invitation, so that they had their own oral sessions or participated in poster sessions. Their impressions were very good and I take this opportunity to invite all kinds of young researchers and students again!


If you are unable to participate live, you can take a Virtual offline participation. It involves publishing an abstract with a DOI number in the Book of Abstracts (electronic version: www.rad-conference.org/books.php), the Certificate of Participation (electronic version) and the possibility of sending a presentation that will be posted on the Conference website as a part of the Virtual Offline Session: www.rad2023.rad-conference.org/virtual_session. It is also possible to submit a manuscript that will be considered for possible publication in the Proceedings of the RAD conference (www.rad-proceedings.org). There are no live virtual sessions.


We would like to thank and congratulate all the participants of RAD 2023 Conference for participation and very nice presentations: www.rad2023.rad-conference.org. Video about the opening and sessions is: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbiwtJrfVxk


Herceg Novi is certainly very convenient because there are Tivat and Dubrovnik airports that are about one hour drive away from Herceg Novi (Dubrovnik airport is especially attractive because it has a lot of flights). For more information about flights and airport transfers please visit the following conference webpage: www.rad2024.rad-conference.org/transportation


RAD conferences are very unique and different from all other conferences, primarily intended for people who like their specifics. We are sure that you will have unforgettable experience on them!


I invite you to another unforgettable RAD! Come to Herceg Novi, participate in 12th RAD Conference, feel the spirit of RAD conference and become a member of the huge RAD family! If you are unable to attend, you can be a virtual offline participant and thus participate in the RAD 2024 Conference.


Please note that the number of participants is limited to around 300! Also, please note that the hotel where RAD 2024 is being held has about 100 rooms available for us.


You can also see the SOCIAL EVENTS: http://www.rad2024.rad-conference.org/events


All information can be obtained on social networks where we will post information: Facebook (www.facebook.com/rad.conference), Instagram (www.instagram.com/rad_conference), LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/company/rad-conference ) and YouTube (www.youtube.com/@rad_conference) !

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